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clinical trial enrollment

CRIO Company News 3 Minute Read

CRIO Announces Partnership with Pluto Health to Expand and Accelerate Clinical Trial Access

Innovative solution benefits patients with access to clinical trials as a treatment option, ongoing personalized health insights, and ultimately speeding new treatments to market  BOSTON, MA, July 19, 2023 – CRIO, a Boston-based healthcare technology company, in partnership with Pluto Health, a Durham, NC-based smart care coordination service company, announces the development of a scalable...

Recruitment & Diversity
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CRIO Sites Out-enroll Non-CRIO Sites by 39%

Enrollment is critical to a trial, and site performance is a major – if not the most important – driver of that. We’ve always known that our full stack system enables sites to increase efficiency and enhance data quality, but do sites who use CRIO actually enroll more? We now have data to prove that...

Running a Study
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How the World’s Leading Vaccine Site Network Decreased Protocol Deviations by Almost 40%

Overview With 9 locations in Texas, California and Louisiana, Benchmark Research is the world’s leading vaccine network. Benchmark has performed over 10,000 studies on over 40,000 subjects and has received numerous awards, including being a five-time recipient of the Best Clinical Trial Site/Network award from the World Vaccine Congress. Challenge Historically, Benchmark used paper charts...

Running a Site
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Key Takeaways from the 2021 SCRS Site Solutions Summit

Reflections on the Summit The 2021 Global Site Solutions Summit, hosted by the Society for Clinical Research Sites, was an amazing event. The first in-person event that our company has attended in 18 months, the Summit provided an opportunity for CRIO to meet new people and reconnect with clients and friends alike. Post-Pandemic Trends, Here...

decentralized clinical trials
Running a Site
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Clinical Research IO’s latest survey shows that clinical research sites have adopted widespread technology in response to the rise of decentralized clinical trials

Clinical Research IO (CRIO)’s recent site survey showed that most sites have recovered business lost during the pandemic, are adjusting to the decentralized clinical trial model, and have implemented their own software in response. At the beginning of the pandemic, CRIO conducted a survey to look at the impact of coronavirus on research sites. By...

Running a Site
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Chief Operating Officer of MACRO Trials Talks About How Sponsors and Sites Can Increase Inclusivity and Diversity

Achieving representative enrollment – meaning diversity in race, age, gender and socioeconomic status – in clinical trials is essential to the development of cutting-edge therapies for the general population. Despite being recognized as a need within the industry, it has proven to be a longstanding challenge. According to the 2019 ‘Drugs Trials Snapshots’ report released...

Running a Study
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COVID Leads to Pivotal Changes in Clinical Research Industry

Over the past four months, COVID has led to widespread changes across the clinical research industry, many of which will be carried forwards. 1. Changes in Clinical Trial Protocol & Design According to data collected by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD), as of May 20, 2020, more than half of...

Running a Site
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Clinical Research IO’s Survey Finds That Coronavirus is Disrupting Clinical Research Sites

Clinical Research IO‘s recent web survey found that COVID-19 is disrupting clinical research sites worldwide. The results are indicative of a significant slowdown in new drug development and long term effects on healthcare in general. 25% of sites have stopped recruiting Of the 75% that are continuing enrollment, about half (37%) are considering halting new...

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