JSCDM: Comparison of electronic health records and electronic source data in clinical research trials
The Journal of the Society for Clinical Data Management (JSCDM) recently published the original research article “Comparison of electronic health records and electronic source data in clinical research trials: a retrospective review” which was co-authored by Amelia Tian, CRIO Solutions Consultant, and Olivia Dennis, CRIO Analytics and Data Migration Manager, alongside Dr. Elena Christofides (Endocrinology Associates, Inc.), Nicole Mastacouris (Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine), and Ada Zhu (UMass Chan Medical School).
The article presents the findings from a retrospective review comparing the medications and medical histories documented in electronic health records (EHR) systems and the data captured in EDC for ongoing clinical research studies. The article finds that there are significant inconsistencies between data in EHR systems and data captured in the EDC. While industry has long sought integration between EHR and EDC systems, it is increasingly clear that EHR data is often inaccurate, redundant, or cluttered in ways that make it unsuitable for use in research.
You can learn more about how CRIO’s Review EDC Solution can address this challenge through direct data capture here.
The Journal of the Society for Clinical Data Management, is the society’s open access, peer-reviewed publication. The mission of JSCDM is to promote and publish scholarly work with direct relevance to the practice of Informatics and Data Science in clinical research. Articles of interest include reports of original research, review articles, design manuscripts, case studies, demonstration projects, education and professional development, and topic briefs including tutorials and perspectives. Learn more here.